
Fiona O’leary fighting for a brighter tomorrow.

Fiona O’leary fighting for a brighter tomorrow.

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Fiona O’leary  fighting for a brighter tomorrow.

I caught up with Autism rights campaigner Fiona O’leary who is herself on the Autistic spectrum and a keen activist for putting an end to a wide variety of mistreatments of children and adults on the spectrum.
Fiona is a mother to five children who’s determination to leave no stone unturned and fight for justice leaves most of us exhausted just watching her.
Diagnosed at age 42 with Aspergers Syndrome she describes her diagnosis as “A huge relief to finally getting an answer, to me!”.
Fiona is best known to the public for appearing on Primetime RTE one special ‘The Bleach Cult’ after bringing her concerns of Miracle Mineral Solution to the attention of reporter Rita O’ Reilly , together they made history by exposing the infamous Genesis 11 Church, exposing the malpractice and fraudulent claims of Jim Humble and Kerri Rivera and blowing the roof off the closed domain that is CD Autism.
After bringing GcMAF to public attention and helping expose David Noakes on the Jersey  radio waves Fiona’s now looking into getting legislation put in place against practicing MMS.
Not to mention her new charitable organisation ART Autistic Rights Together.
I was keen to find out how MMS came to Fiona’s attention and she told me she first heard of it last June. “ I started investigating and learned through contacting Genesis 11 Church and one Mark Krishon about Kerri Rivera and CD Autism. I then found MMS for sale in Ireland, it was offered to me by four people and two were professionals. I and others set up a campaign immediately. We discovered MMS/CD was being used all over the world.
Fiona feeling shocked and understandably disgusted states “ Its experimentation and abuse”.
Desperate to bring this to the public eye, Fiona goes on to explain “ I chased the media and luckily the wonderful Rita O’Rilley  listened to me and built the wonderful documentary “The Bleach Cult”.
The Bleach Cult has proved a game changer for the MMS campaigners, now having something to refer to and forward in emails to Autism rights organisations and politicians worldwide. People are justifiably horrified at the pain and humiliation these children are suffering at the hands of the ones meant to protect them.
Fiona States “ We need urgent legislation to ban all unregulated dangerous Autism treatments. I feel we can and will achieve this. We are strong and will fight for our rights.”
Apart from campaigning Fiona is a busy mother  to five children, two of whom are diagnosed Autistic. Not only is Fiona fighting for the children of today but to build a brighter future for her own two children and future generations.
“ I love being with my beautiful family and I am so lucky to be a mum to five wonderful children. I love my husband Timmy and my family they are everything to me.”
Fiona lists her hobbies and interests as:  politics, art , film and travel. Her biggest passion she says is human rights and she cannot tolerate injustice. Fiona also loves music.
“I love being an advocate. I’m a musician, singer and songwriter and music is a passion of mine”.
Fiona has a busy life with five children, her husband Timmy who’s been fully supportive throughout and their five Chihuahuas not to mention the family cat. Getting up and making pack lunches, school runs then going home to email and make phone calls to politicians and media is not the usual pastime of most housewives. Fiona is however no ordinary woman  and together she and Timmy have found the time to start ART .
“ART is a safe place for Autistic people where they can express themselves freely. We will fight for the rights of Autistics in all aspects of their lives,” Fiona said passionately.
“ We hope to provide a forum and a phone line to offer support . We welcome contributions from Autistic people like writings and pieces of art.”
All in all Fiona’s been extremely busy and achieved in under a year a staggering amount in the fight against Autistic mistreatment.
Fiona closed the interview with the parting sentence “ Awareness is important but acceptance is paramount, it’s time we celebrated in the differences we share.”
Just Know That I Love You
Fiona debating politician

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