My neurodiverse identity
Posted by: Emma Dalmayne
My identity.
I wake up every morning, I wake up autistic.
I wake in a world alien to me where my only allies are other autistics, professionals seem to strive to understand me. The majority fail.
The charities professing to care, many seek to find a cure for me and eradicate me.
They source for funding for treatments, treatments for what?
We treat illness, we attempt to heal injury and we aim to heal disease.
We are none of these!!
Why are we chased down? Why are we targeted in conferences that label us lepers, campaigns that call us missing?
We are accused of murdering doctors who implanted faeces into children, gave them dangerous treatments such as GcMAF, shocks, stem cell treatments and lumbar punctures yet he is revered as a martyr?!
Autism speaks, Bradstreet, Treating Autism I as an Autistic scream fuck you from the rooftops of a world unforgiving and hostile to my children.
Fuck you to a government who will not adequately invest in our children’s care, education and fundamental welfare.
To the parents who accept their autistic children I say thank you, to the families who embrace them I am grateful.
You nurture the next generation of a neurodiverse movement who need and indeed will demand acceptance.
Before I die I will strive to make that possible, for my children I can do no less.